Friday, 28 January 2011

Hello stranger...

It's been a while. Before I immediately start rabbiting on about myself I feel it would be rude not to make an announcement of my new baby, Ron.

I found Ron in Park Pets pet shop in Oldfield Park, Bath. I brought him home on the 19th of November 2010. He was about 11 weeks old but the pet shop people couldn't be entirely sure of his age as he was the last one left of the litter. All his brothers and sisters had been quickly sold and for some reason he was not. I loved him immediately (even before I knew of his lonely pet shop life.) I'd poked my head in a few other pet shops to look at rabbits but none I'd decided were my bunny. Ron was sitting in his hutch squashing his two small guinea pig friends. He wasn't very friendly and didn't like being handled, in fact he still doesn't to this day. He prefers to come to you.
I have grown to quite like this trait of his though, it reminds me of myself when I was a little girl. Very cross when disturbed and quite capable of entertaining myself. He is a lot more confident now, he runs and leaps about the room and likes to lick people, but he will not tolerate being picked up. I am covered in deep scratches from my attempts. I can't help but love him though, particularly when he flops on his side and flashes his white tummy.

I'm sure all of that is very uninteresting to most of you. It's kind of (exactly) like listening to soppy parents go on and on about how well their children are doing in finger painting class. But this is my blog so be it. So now you know about Ron, and his round delicious chubbiness.

What's new with me? My second year of university is really stressful because I actually need to do more than just scrape by on a 40% pass this year. Good news though: Josh is moving to Bath next year. We are currently in the process of house hunting. We talk excitedly about buying mug trees and spice racks. I shall keep you posted on our latest property discoveries and try to be much more current with my blog posts, particularly now that my housemate Vicky has joined the Blogspot elite. Welcome darling.