There are very, very speedy crabs that run really fast in and out of their holes on the beaches.
Tiny old women can carry your enormous, heavy suitcase on her head up flights of stairs without even breaking a sweat.
Chicken Tikka Masala is very, very tasty but 10x spicier than back home (Westeners Land)
The keyboard in this internet cafe is incredibly difficult to use.
The birds circling above the beaches and cliffs are vultures.
Cows are sacred, they take sleeps in the road and amazingly survive.
The road rules we seem to to understand is, beep to overtake during the day, and flash at night.
They are a few things, I thought it would be easier to write in bullet points because this keyboard is really really annoying!! Anyway, Alice and I are staying at the lovely Astoria hotel run by a gorgeous family that all help each other out all the time with the three young kids.
We did have a rat try and force it's way into our room by lifting all the roof tiles, that made me crave my own bedroom a wee bit but I am ultra pathetic in that case. The roads don't bother me too much, it's funny how many people can fit on one bike or one bus here. We saw a family of 4 on a teeny moped or way to our hotel, all waving and smiling at the fascinating white people. Also there are signs on the back trucks which say "Sound OK Horn"
There are stray dogs everywhere which makes me a bit sad because they remind me so much of Ky and Ted the way they do their yoga stretches etc.
The sea is warm but not hot (or cold which is a lovely change) and the sun is niiiiiiiiiiice!
Okay. Goodbye, love to Joss Joe, Joe, Mum, Nick, Vee, Teagan, Floella, Jenni and I'm sure whoever I have forgotten can give me grief when I get back home. Love you byexxxxxxxxx